Click the link to find the 5th and 6th basketball Wilmot Tournament schedule for Saturday, November 2: There will be NO bus, so families are responsible for their own transportation.
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
Wilmot Tourney
Student Council Fashion Show - open to all students PK-12.
4 months ago, Nichole Hoffman
Fashion Show
Student Council Food Drive: November 4 - November 26
4 months ago, Nichole Hoffman
Food Drive
October Eaglet
4 months ago, Nichole Hoffman
Brackets for the St. Martin Elementary Basketball Tournament at GPL on Saturday, October 26.
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
BB Bracket
GBB Bracket
Good afternoon, this message is for fifth and sixth grade basketball players. Both the boys and girls will play their first games at 8 AM on Saturday, October 26th at Great Plains Lutheran. There will be no school bus for this tournament; players need to find their own transportation for the Saturday tournament. A bracket with all game times will be sent home with players. Thank you.
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
Playoff shirts were sent home with students today at the end of the day!
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
Join us for trick-or-treating at 3 PM on Thursday, October 31.
4 months ago, Nichole Hoffman
Trick or Treat
Check out the following website to order Mustang playoff shirts! You can order in the website and shirts will be delivered to the schools by the end of the day Wednesday.
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
8th Grade Football Players: Coach Rumpza would like to invite you to Varsity Football practice on Monday, October 21st in Waubay. Please bring your helmet and pads with for practice.
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
Congratulations to the Mustang football team for qualifying for the 9AA playoffs! The Mustangs will travel to Hamlin on Thursday night for a 7 PM kickoff. More information to come!
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
Congratulations to Jayven Maag in qualifying for the State Cross Country Meet in Rapid City on Saturday, October 26!
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
If you can't make it to Henry to cheer on the Mustangs Football Team tomorrow night, you can catch the game on: JH Football Varsity Radio: Power 106
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
The Henry Student Council is sponsoring a pulled pork feed at the football game on Friday, October 18. See the image for more info.
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
henry ppf
This is a friendly reminder that the first quarter ends on Wednesday, October 24! The school will be open on Friday for anyone who needs to finish things or get extra help.
4 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
The September Eaglet is so chock full of pictures, we had to split it into two files to upload it! Part 1: Part 2:
4 months ago, Nichole Hoffman
Correction: Picture day is Monday, September 9th! I apologize for the mistake.
5 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
Reminder: Picture Day is Monday, September 11. Thank you!
5 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
HOMECOMING SHIRTS! Waubay Junior Class Fundraiser. Get your MUSTANGS Homecoming & Football Apparel HERE! All orders must be placed by Friday September 6th at NOON.
5 months ago, Summit School District 54-6
You can find all of the Mustang Athletic events at . This covers all events at Waubay or Summit. If you have a smart TV, you can download the hudl app by searching for Hudl TV on your TV app store.
6 months ago, Summit School District 54-6